Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Dollar Surveys Easiest Way to Make a Buck

For me not only a way to make a buck but to buy listings and renewals on etsy, good idea could be here has been my experience.

Easiest way to make a buck? Well this is what Dollar Surveys says, you have to define easy. I recently learned about Dollar Surveys on the etsy forums, someone mentioned it in passing and I found their site and bookmarked it. It looked kind of fun but I was leery about spam and security. I finally decided to give it a go and attempt to take surveys and "earn a buck".

My survey experience so far, they are easy however it can be difficult to even qualify to take a survey. I visit weekly and try to take surveys. Usually go through a pre-qualifying questionnaire to see if you ft the demographic they are looking for whichever product. I actually find this part the most frustrating as there have been times I "think" I am taking a survey and 10 minutes later I find out I do not qualify. After going through this guessing 75 plus times (many times you know in a minute or less if you qualify) I have completed about 20 surveys.

The surveys I have taken have been on various products and services, including foods, air fresheners, shoes, cars, advertising, home entertainment, education, basic everyday products you already use or have an awareness.

Many I can tell right off I will not qualify anything to do with Wi, xbox, gaming, having teenage boys in the household, I often just skip over these and keep moving on to others. A few I have take are quite lengthy, some as many as 25 minutes often I am so focused on the survey I don't notice the time as much.

Once you finish a survey you usually are paid within a week, though I do think I have waited a day or two longer in some instances. I just keep a list of completion dates and wait for payment, so far I "think" I have been paid for all that I have completed. They do say on their site occasionally a completed survey does not register, and basically you are out of luck, so far though this has not happened.

So why do this? For me it is kind of fun and who doesn't like to offer an opinion and a few times the surveys have been about new products still in development. I do them when I am just sitting waiting for pictures to upload or printing postage etc. I figured it might be a fun way to pay for renewing items on etsy, after all 1.00 = 5 listings or renewals, and 20.00 = 100 freebies on etsy, suddenly this does add more value then just one buck. I have also gotten my husband to take a few and I think he has been paid for about 12 surveys - more freebies on etsy!

So far I do not think I have gotten any spam related to survey taking. I skip ones that seem to ask for too much personal info to avoid spam and for safety, to be honest this has been very few. I also stay away from the ones that are not surveys but offers, like sign up for this mailing list, service etc to earn a buck, to me that is signing up for spam. I stick to the plain 'ol surveys, it did not take long to become familiar with the offerings and only participate in those I was comfortable.

If you have some time and are looking for a way to make an "easy" buck check out Dollar Surveys.


Expressions By Devin said...

I will have to try this out Thanks for the info. I am always looking for ways to make a couple dollars fro craft supplies :0)

haddy2dogs said...

Thanks for the info!

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